Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Benefits of Aggressive Driving: Simulation Employing Python OOP

Two weeks ago on the way home from work, an excessively aggressive driver was dodging through traffic behind me. It was night, but like all obnoxious drivers, the headlights were of the luminous, distracting blue-white ilk. Jumping lanes, aggressive acceleration, higher top speed. At the next light, we were lined up with three or so cars in front of both of us, on a two lane road.

On the green, I accelerated gently and kept my pace at the speed of traffic. The blue-white headlight car ,jumped on the bumper of the car ahead, accelerating aggressively and quickly jumping lanes (to no advantage). At the next red light, he was only one car ahead despite his strategy.

Got me thinking. Does an aggressive driving strategy pay off on surface streets?

Using the pygame module (the Python equivalent of Java's processing), I've modeled a surface street as six stoplight objects spread at random distances apart. The function that turns the crank here is screen.get_at, which finds the RGB color scheme at a specified (x,y) location on the grid. Each car object (white rectangles) looks at its current location and ahead of it to find potential obstacles and modifies its speed to avoid crashes. 
"Stoplights" are implemented through the redzones, which slow the speed of the car. If the car reaches the end of the redzone, it stops. The green or red lines to the left of the lane indicate the light status.

The cars with the small blue rectangles are the "racing" cars. They start at the same location and speed, but have different initialization values for acceleration and max speed. At the end of the course, the time elapsed from start to finish is recorded.

The results of five simulations:
(slow left lane car, fast right lane car)
[279, 282], [257, 290], [203, 316], [208, 298], [239, 291]
how much faster?
[1% faster, 12% faster, 56% faster, 43% faster, 22% faster]

I still need to include the ability of the car to change lanes. Comparing a stupid driver with a stupid and aggressive driver isn't very interesting. 

The end questions I want to answer:
1. How much does varying traffic volume, speed differential between fast and slow cars and the length of red lights affect the course time?
2. Establish a metric that weighs the value of quickly completing the course against moderate acceleration and top speed, and find a strategy for optimizing that metric.

Here is the code. I'll clean it up later.

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