The quick conclusion is that the largest problem, by frequency, has to do with theft from autos or property. Of the 20k larceny/theft reported, only 1.2k had any sort of resolution. Reinforcing that notion is the incidence per 1000 crimes of each category. Larceny/theft is always the largest proportion of crime,
with the exception of the Tenderloin,
where drugs are a contender for most frequently occurring crime. An incredible 1 of 5 reported crimes involve drugs in the Tenderloin. For context, the average is 1 of 20 in the other 9 districts. Parsing for drug descriptions across the city showed that the occurrence of type of drug is fairly equal (don't quote me because that is off memory of something I ran a few weeks ago), but in the Tenderloin it was significant leaning towards "harder" drugs (non-marijuana, that is). Not surprisingly, the frequency of assaults and other non-theft crimes increases in the Tenderloin. Come to think of it, jacking people in the ghetto doesn't make a ton of sense.
The other exception is Bayview, where nobody drives with a license plate (ie, Other Offenses). Also not a wonderful area, in terms of % of violent crime.
Here's the last chart I liked. Pretty self-explanatory. The Tenderloin has an abnormally high percentage of arrests. That comes with the drugs. An anecdote from the incoming PD officer this research was intended for went along the line of that the officers from the TLoin station walk out into the street, and before they even get into the cars they have to arrest someone.
If exciting to you meanst putting the bad guys away, assaults (40% arrested), drugs (90% arrested) and warrants (93% arrested) are the ticket. The Loin, Mission are the heavy hitters in that department, followed by Bayview, Northern and Southern. It looks like Richmond, Park, Taraval and to a lesser extent, Central, are going to involve driving around and listening to people bitch about what was stolen from them and vague descriptions who might have done it when you know you will never actually find the person who did it. But there won't be as many crackheads, so they have that going for them.
Also funny is how the hood has a disproportionately low amount of burglaries compared to the rest of the crime occurring. Park, Richmond and Taraval lead the way at about 7-8 %. Can't blame the burglars for stupidity, anyway. Worth reinforcing that since this is a frequency of occurence rather than raw buglarly numbers, those districts haven't had the most burglaries (Northern and Southern are ahead, but not by as much as might be guessed without the numbers) because more crimes are committed elsewhere. Anyway, burglars know where to shop.
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